Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Morning Reflection

Mmm coffee yum. I used the last of my non-dairy creamer today and had a thought. I've been going round and round about how to package Eco Treats. So...what about all the empty containers we use? I could go to the dollar store and buy some cheap, not made in the USA containers but that defeats my purpose here.

I want to use what currently exists in order to decrease the demand for oversea needs.

Oh I know it sounds hokey pokey and pie-in-the-sky but I can't help it. I'm just one person so I'll try to make a difference where I can and maybe it'll help, maybe it won't. Is it going to be cheaper to recycle existing products? Yes. Should I go out and buy containers so that everything is uniform and pretty? No. So this Eco Treat thing isn't going to be cute, uniform, and perfect. It's going to be like you and me: unique!

I'm sure I'll make tons of mistakes and as much as I would love to be perfectly eco-friendly, I'm just one person making one product, one at a time, trying to make a difference in my local community.

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